Rapid Transformation Therapy Resources - Glossary

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)

RTT embraces many of the positive aspects of hypnosis and hypnotherapy that are known to produce a transformative effect on clients: the use of trance, regression and hypnotic conditioning. However RTT goes beyond, uncovering what works with real clients in real sessions, to build a new therapeutic approach. After more than 30 years as a ground-breaking hypnotherapist, Marisa Peer identified that regardless of their issue, in sessions clients benefited from her applying a particular set of techniques over and over again. These insights provided the foundations for Rapid Transformational Therapy to emerge as a distinctive approach.

What does it look like?

We know that clients are time starved and come to us in pain, both physical and/or emotional. They want rapid results. So the first difference with RTT is it aims to deliver permanent change, sometimes in a single 90 minute session. However, some clients and some issues will need up to 3 sessions.

The second difference with RTT is that it is a method that truly empowers clients. By using a technique called Role, Function, Purpose, it honours and values the significance clients attach to their issues/problems and then offers a powerful emotional release for them. They can actually be free from pain.

A third difference with RTT is its use of Command Cell Therapy as a method for purposefully healing the body, as opposed to positive conditioning alone.

Lastly, RTT draws out ‘unfinished business’ ...meaning it is a technique for addressing the trauma that clients have been holding onto for many years.

The client works with the practitioner in uncovering the meaning and interpretation of events and then to change that meaning and interpretation. This leads to permanent, powerful change because RTT enables the mind to tell the body what to do (such as heal itself, ignore unhealthy food, turn fear into excitement, etc.) The mind can tell the body how to react and how to feel, and it can alter and improve the messages the body sends to the mind. This is a form of neuroplasticity that creates new neural pathways, while simultaneously removing old neural pathways leaving the client wired to enact change and to stay changed.

The depth of the trance is irrelevant. Results are achieved whether a client is deep in or barely in. Trust that it’s working and it absolutely will. Hypnosis is not about being asleep. It’s a deep relaxation of the nervous system that shuts down the critical factor in your conscious brain, and allows the subconscious to receive and understand the right messaging directly.

It’s important to understand that the client’s conscious mind and will are still there, so of course they can open their eyes, move or do whatever they want to. It’s more a matter of allowing the conscious mind to take a back seat for just a bit, so they can access the part of them that has all the transformative information. The conscious mind is like the bark on the tree - the subconscious mind is all of the contiguous rings inside (all the experiences you’ve ever had) going all the way back to the sapling in the middle (you at conception). The conscious mind tries to think its way out of problems ...the subconscious mind feels and knows what those problems are really about on a much deeper level.

The Differences Between Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) & RTT
As explained by Marisa Peer, Creator of Rapid Transfomational Therapy

When it comes to personal development and therapy, there are a lot of different methodologies out there to explore. It can be confusing for people just entering the field to understand what’s what, and it can be easy to be misled by salesmen or knockoffs trying to emulate approaches that they did not pioneer, or don’t know much about.

When it came time to create my own therapy course after thirty years of practicing it myself, I really wanted to create something powerful and transformational that reflected all the influences I’ve had in my long career. I also wanted it to be very clear what it is, and what it is not.

It’s true that I’ve been influenced by lots of methodologies including hypnosis, CBT, psychotherapy, healing and neurolinguistic programming (or NLP). However, it would be incorrect to say my method is simply a summation of these parts. I truly believe my method, Rapid Transformational Therapy, or RTT, is one-of-a-kind and its ethos is guided by the unconventional idea that you don’t need a lifetime to learn, master and then change the processes of the mind.

Often, people who are learning about my RTT method—but who have not yet done the course—will say that it sounds very similar to NLP. Some even presume it’s NLP simply packaged differently. To avoid confusion, I wanted to write this post to explain the difference between the two methodologies.

According to NLP’s website, the method can be defined as: "NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming". Neuro refers to your neurology; Linguistic refers to language; Programming refers to how that neural language functions. In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!

It’s true that in a similar way to NLP, my RTT does focus on both your language and your mind. It’s also true that both NLP and RTT can teach you how to better dialogue with your mind, and understand the difference between what your subconscious and conscious mind believes.

But most of the similarities end there. RTT has the added—and crucial—step of not just teaching you how to communicate with your subconscious mind, but also directly accessing and fixing whatever blockages may be there. Using the regression technique that I teach, clients are able to reach breakthroughs via hypnosis that would not be possible if they were simply trying to reach their subconscious mind via altered language and self-talk.

To be clear, I’m not saying that NLP is not a valid methodology. Many of the people who take my course have formerly studied in NLP. What I am saying is that RTT is far more all-encompassing as a treatment method. While learning how to dialogue with your mind is a part of the method, it is often not enough if you or a client has experienced severe trauma, emotional hurt, or disconnection. I am a great believer that you cannot fix what you don’t understand and RTT works by first understanding how you got your issues, and then freeing you from them for good using a method I created called Role, Function and Purpose of any issue . It also has a huge healing element that uses command therapy to activate the body's ability to heal and restore itself to wellness. Many Doctors have trained with me and commented that what I do is a form of neuroplasticity as RTT is creating new neural pathways in the mind while simultaneously removing old unhelpful ones. I am immensely proud of this and always in awe of the powerful transformations brought about through RTT.

Reprinted with permission

Skype with Freedom From the Weight

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